Medical Waste Disposal
GoSharps is the premier provider of medical waste disposal solutions in the state of Texas. We provide low cost, flexible, and reliable solutions for all types of businesses.
Experience the GoSharps Difference!
Locally Owned and Operated
Fast Reliable Service
Flat Rate Pricing
Online manifest tracking for full compliance
Compliance training available to meet OSHA requirements
When you call, you talk to a local human being right here in Texas

Full List of Services Provided
Biohazardous Waste Transport and Disposal
Sharps Transport and Disposal
Sharps Containers
Trace Chemotherapy Disposal
Pharmaceutical Disposal
OSHA Compliance Training
Bloodborne Pathogens OHSA training
Medical Waste Management and Consulting
RCRA Hazardous Disposal Consulting and Planning
Examples of Medical Waste
Contaminated bandages, gauze, or tape
Discarded surgical equipment
Discarded needles and other sharps
Discarded gloves or other PPE
Contaminated bedding, clothing, or any contaminated items.
Discarded lancets
We Service Many Different Types of Offices
Rehab Centers
Nursing Homes
Surgery Centers
Veterinary Clinics
Acupuncture Providers
Compounding Pharmacies
Blood Banks
Dental Offices
Tattoo Parlors
Funeral Homes
Family Practice
Dialysis Centers
Primary Care Physicians